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The Study on Management Strategy with Public Buildings for Efficient Creation
Lee, Sangmin Associate Research Fellow Kim, Jinwook Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2009-1
  • 2009.12.31
  • 0Page
  • Hit 1369

This study was designed to suggest effective policies related to public building planning and realize present situation of process of the planning by understanding overall related laws on planning, maintenance and management of public buildings. For that purpose, revise of related laws, reorganization and management of administrative structure and improvement of policies related to public
buildings were suggested by steps.
The study consists of three parts that are analysis of domestic condition related to Public Buildings, comparative case study on foreign nations, and suggestion of improvement measures. First, traits and defects of project planning, operation and management of public buildings were reviewed and it leaded to a proposal of efficient project planning. Present projects were reviewed and strength and weakness
of organization and administrative system were analyzed. We found some implications by presenting and analyzing abroad cases. In conclusion, guidelines of management of public buildings and improving direction of policies were suggested.


Keywords : Public Building, National Assets, Efficient Creation, Total Management


Lee - other reports

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