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Research Area


The National Hanok Center is a think-tank promoting the preservation and revitalization of Korea’s traditional architecture style, the Hanok. The center fosters awareness of the cultural value of Hanoks both internationally and domestically, and carries out relevant research in support of governmental policies. In addition, the center provides residents and private companies with information on related statistics and government policies.

Main Functions

  • Propose principles, standards, and improvement plans for the preservation and promotion of hanoks in the overall hanok-related policies and develop concrete strategies to implement them.
  • Establish the knowledge and information system necessary for the promotion of hanoks based on empirical research and analysis in order to provide a reasonable basis for related policies.
  • Contribute to the timely dissemination of related policies, publicity, and efficiency improvement by continuously checking the current status of hanok-related policies and providing theoretical and practical support to the national and local governments.

Research achievement

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