Message from President
To create better spaces
To realize the value of architecture and urban space

The Institute has been conducting research on national policies related to architecture and urban space and preparing related policies. In addition, the Institute has contributed by creating a better everyday space for the people by responding to the policy demands of the times.
The architecture and urban space in our time face new challenges. The low fertility rate, the population decline due to aging, the climate crisis, increasing safety accidents of buildings, and the outbreak of COVID-19 call for a change in the viewpoint on architecture and urban space.
The Institute will present new alternatives to respond to the needs and challenges of our society with the goal of creating sustainable architecture and urban space. In addition, focusing on communication and empathy, the Institute will conduct research on policies and systems for the improvement of architecture and urban space, as well as research to improve the value of space and the culture related to space.
President of the Architecture & Urban Research Institute
Bachelor of Architecture, Seoul National University
Master of Architecture, Seoul National University
Ph. D. Housing and Urbanism, The Architectural Association School of Architecture, UK
Vice President of the Architectural Policy Association of Korea
Member of the Building Policy Committee and the Urban Regeneration Committee of the Seoul Metropolitan Government
Member of the Architectural Design Committee of the Kyonggi-do
Advisory Committee Member of Presidential Commission on Architecture Policy
Professor, Department of Architecture, Kyonggi University
Urban death (Korean title: Remember the death of the city)
Urban regeneration is not taken for granted (Co-authored)
School space, How can we change it? (Co-authored)
Anti-gentrification (Co-authored)
Beyond creative cities (Co-authored)
Narratives of architecture and urbanism within the context of publicness (Co-authored)