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동영상 자막 : ARCHITECTURE, URBAN, RESEARCH auri 건축공간연구원

The shape of the word “Institute” supporting the three keywords representing AURI – “Architecture,” “Urban,” and “Research” – like ​​a pillar represents the Institute’s strong commitment to carry out its role as a government-funded research institute along with the clear red color.

The space surrounding 'a,’ 'u,’ ‘r,’ and 'i' symbolizes living spaces for the public, which are the subjects of AURI’s research. With the shape of parentheses of engagement encompassing these letters, the Institute’s mission of “diversify and enrich our living spaces” is expressed.

auri 건축공간연구원 로고타입 1
    • PANTONE1795
    • RGBR 230 G 0 B 18
    • CMYKC 0 M 100 Y 100 K0
    • PANTONEBlack 6
    • RGBR 0 G 0 B 0
    • CMYKC 0 M 0 Y 0 K 100
auri 건축공간연구원 로고타입 2
    • PANTONE1795
    • RGBR 230 G 0 B 18
    • CMYKC 0 M 100 Y 100 K0
    • PANTONECool Gray 10
    • RGBR 137 G 137 B 137
    • CMYKC 0 M 0 Y 0 K 60


auri 건축공간연구원 로고 국문타입


auri 건축공간연구원 로고 영문타입
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