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A Study on the Method of Preservation of Hanok Village on Rural Area through the Diagnosis of Change in Hanok Conservation Model Village, Jeollanam-do
Shin, Chihoo Associate Research Fellow Jin, Teseung Assistant Research Fellow Kim, Jongbum Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Hanok-2016-1
  • 2016.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 17269
Summary Rural villages are generally declining due to population decrease, demographic aging, and changes in rural economic activities. However many alterations are taking place in response to various supporting policies for revitalizing rural areas. Although there have been still remained Hanok villages that have preservation value in rural areas, the village of majority which are not designate as the cultural heritage continue to stagnate or decline alongside rural problems. These particularly have been losing its characteristics as a traditional settlement in the process of decline and change. In addition, understandably, conflicting values ​​of preservation and development often occur. In this context, the supporting policy for rural Hanok villages should be accepted wholeheartedly both preservation and development value. To do this, this study needs to synthesize change of Hanok village in rural area to diagnose. The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of the supporting policy for ‘Hanok Conservation Model Village’ in the rural area by considering the change of the village according to the policy of the central government and local governments.

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