Research Paper
Support Policies for Improving Architectural Administration Services
Lee, Yeokyung Associate Research Fellow
Lee, Sangmin Research Fellow
Tchah, Chuyoung Research Fellow
- Basic Research 2017-3
- 2017.10.31
- 16Page
- Hit 22585
The central and local governments of Korea have been deregulating and improving building regulations for the purpose of easing related inconveniences for the public. Despite such efforts, however, complaints have been increased by the entities involved such as building project owners, developers, registered architects, and even the general public. The primary complaints from the public with respect to architectural administration services arise from the process of operation such as responses to questions regarding the legal system, prior disclosure of the related procedures and standards, and perfunctory administrative processing. In order words, this study was initiated from the recognition that
public complaints and inconveniences are rooted in the low-quality administrative services provided during the process of operating architectural administration, rather than the building regulations themselves.
public complaints and inconveniences are rooted in the low-quality administrative services provided during the process of operating architectural administration, rather than the building regulations themselves.
Lee, Yeokyung, Lee, Sangmin, Tchah, Chuyoung. (2017). Support Policies for Improving Architectural Administration Services. Architecture & Urban Research Institute.
Lee, Yeokyung, Lee, Sangmin, Tchah, Chuyoung. Support Policies for Improving Architectural Administration Services.Architecture & Urban Research Institute. 2017
Lee, Yeokyung, Lee, Sangmin, Tchah, Chuyoung. 2017. Support Policies for Improving Architectural Administration Services. Architecture & Urban Research Institute.
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