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The Improvement of System on Provincial River Renewal Project
Tchah, Chuyoung Associate Research Fellow Lee, Sangmin Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-정책-2013-1
  • 2013.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 1467
Summary  Since modern age river was maintained mainly with physical function as flood-control and irrigation. However river is recognized as important measure as not only economic development of cities but also leasure space of citizen. Especially, latest river is reutilized by means of new urban growth motivity with urban regeneration base of waterfront space in housing, cultural affairs and healthy leisure according to regional condition. Also, various projects such as construction river ecological park and bike path are in the process based on the recognition that river is leisure and relaxation space for citizen. Representatively, previous river renewal projects that were conducted by the government focused on disaster prevention work that were named ‘Improvement of areas prone to floods project’, ‘Water system maintenance project’ and ‘Stream channel improvement project’, but ‘River disaster prevention project’, ‘Construction ecological park project’, ‘Water-circulating river maintenance project’ and ‘Hometown river maintenance project’ in force supplementally since the year 2008. This is a disproof that river become accepted as everyday living space.

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