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Exploring the Values of the Hanok in the Humanities (2) - Religious Symbolism in Hanok
Lee, Kangmin Associate Research Fellow Lee, Sangmin Associate Research Fellow Um, Woonjin Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-한옥-2013-8
  • 2013.12.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 1275
Summary  This study examines the existing researches in the humanities in order to understand the culture of ‘Hanok’ – the traditional Korean housing – comprehensively by extending its concept which is often considered as a physical object. In other words, this study was planned to discover a view of world, nature and human regarding Hanok, as well as to restructure the concept of Hanok which consists of such values. In the first year, the research was conducted mainly on the origin and the development process of aesthetics in contemporary Hanok especially focused on the vocabularies describing the beauty of Hanok. As the second research, this paper examines Korean’s outlook that addressed in Hanok. Hereafter, the researches will continue to a study on a view of nature of Hanok including sustainability, climate, location, as well as the humanistic view and Hanok, such as living culture, ritual, and folklore in the Hanok housing. This is a research investigating the humanistic values for globalizing the culture of Hanok that combines both its intangible values and physical forms that will provide a fundamental groundwork to establish the direction of the government policy that can promote Hanok. 

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