Research Paper
- Basic 2019-11
- 2019.12.31
- 7Page
- Hit 20502
CPTED facilities and techniques are classified into three categories - crime prevention facilities for street, crime prevention facilities for building and environmental design techniques - according to the installation location and characteristics of them. In this study, the effectiveness of crime prevention facilities for street is analyzed at the macro and micro space level(Seoul and Gongneung-dong of Nowon-gu). On the other hand, the effectiveness of crime prevention facilities for building and environmental design techniques is verified at the micro space level(Gongneung-dong of Nowon-gu). For these analyses, open-street CCTVs, street lights, emergency bells and reflectors are selected as crime prevention facilities for street. In case of crime prevention facilities for building, it includes CCTVs for building, lights for building, automatic door-locks, mirror sheets, security covers for gas pipe line, CCTVs for parking lot, lights for parking lot and retroreflective sheets. In addition, wall-painting and logo floor lights are selected as environmental design techniques.
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