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Public Architecture and Public Spaces Utilization towards Urban of Small and Medium-sized Cities
Chah, Chuyoung Associate Research Fellow Lim, Kangryoon Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2011-8
  • 2011.12.30
  • 0Page
  • Hit 1273

People's awareness on urban regeneration is shifting towards one that centers on 'place making,' which pursues physical, economic and social regeneration. 'Place making' considers people, economy, and place as interrelated factors for urban generation. In this vein, public architecture and public spaces are a crucial medium for urban regeneration in that people use them a lot and that communities are activated by them. In a word, they are major tools for 'place making.' Additionally, public architecture and public spaces are a symbolic stronghold representing the identity of a city. They also functionas major factors that make people recognize 'placeness.'


Keyword : Public Architecture, Public Space, Small and medium-sized Cities, Utilization, Urban Regeneration


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