Research Paper
Improvement of Pedestrian Safety and Convenience Enhancement Act
Kim, Seungnam Associate Research Fellow
Son, Dongpil Research Fellow
- AURI-Provisional-2015-3
- 2015.10.31
- 3Page
- Hit 10203
Although the Pedestrian Safety and Convenience Act was established in 2012 to enhance pedestrian rights and improve the quality of pedestrian environments, it has still diverse limitations in terms of (1)
a guarantee of fundamental human rights, (2) a system for policy implementation and (3) application of specific policies. Against this backdrop, this study aims to suggest an amendment of the act through
reviewing of related acts and policies. The main suggestions are as follows.
Kim, Seungnam, Son, Dongpil. (2015). Improvement of Pedestrian Safety and Convenience Enhancement Act. Architecture & Urban Research Institute.
Kim, Seungnam, Son, Dongpil. Improvement of Pedestrian Safety and Convenience Enhancement Act.Architecture & Urban Research Institute. 2015
Kim, Seungnam, Son, Dongpil. 2015. Improvement of Pedestrian Safety and Convenience Enhancement Act. Architecture & Urban Research Institute.
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