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How to Strengthen Architectural Identity; through A Comparison of Japanese and Korean Small Architecture
Kim, Jinwook Associate Research Fellow Oh, sunghoon Associate Research Fellow Lee, Minwoo Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2008-4
  • 2008.12.31
  • 143Page
  • Hit 1381

 This study aims to develop an architecture policy which can show local identities by focusing on the built environments in dense areas of small buildings in order to discuss everyday architecture and spatial environments at this point when a variety of architectural policies are being attempted upon the ever changing architectural and urban environments over a continuous flow of time.

 Up to today, small architecture has been excluded from housing policies more focused on large operations.  However, small architecture can play an important role in architectural and urban spatial environments because they embrace sustainable urban development, cultural diversity, and local characteristics. The dense areas of small buildings can gradually react and develop to the demands and changes over time, making sustainable urban environment possible, while expressing formal and spatial characteristics accumulated over time by everyday environments. They also have the potential of developing into community spaces with original local characteristics.

 In this study, the general order and characteristics of some Korean and Japanese local cities have been analyzed through status research. Based on this data, the influence of current laws, administration, suppliers, cultural and historical recognition on spatial environments has been analyzed. Through this process, this study attempts to understand how the characteristics of the dense areas of small buildings influence the formation of sustainable urban development, cultural diversity, and local characteristics.


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