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A Research of Planning & Design Methods for Smart City Services and Technologies
Cho, Sangkyu Senior Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Research Fellow Park, Sungnam Associate Research Fellow Nam, Seongwoo Associate Research Fellow Yoon, Hosun Assistant Research Fellow Moon, Boram Assistant Research Fellow Lee, Jaeseung
  • General 2021-2
  • 2021.12.31
  • 10Page
  • Hit 8898

As urban smartization is rapidly progressing through the development of 4th industrial revolution technologies and services, it is essential to predict and respond to changes in physical space in smart cities. Under these circumstances, the possibility of connection with technology and services is checked through the question of whether architecture and urban space planning are preparing and responding to the change to a smart city, and the space of future smart city services and infrastructure It is necessary to find a direction for planning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to predict the change of urban space according to the development of the 4th industrial revolution technology, and to suggest the direction of spatial planning considering smart city technology and service through research and analysis of smart city technology and service based on spatial planning.


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