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Implementation of Cooperative Public Projects with Privatized CSR Activities

  • No.51
  • 2019.10.15
  • Hit 796
  • Lee, Yeokyung Associate Research Fellow

As the number of public architectural and urban projects continues to increase, the majority of Korea’s local governments still continue to only focus on creating individual facilities or spatial environments and fall short of giving full consideration to their operation and management aspects. As a result, there
are many public facilities that are poorly managed and local governments lack the financial and technical capabilities to resolve these issues on their own.


Possible solutions to these administrative limitations have been an ongoing topic of discussion overseas and in other related fields. Recently, the role of the ‘new public’ has been acknowledged, whereby local governments cooperate with third-party actors such as the private sector and NPOs to resolve public social issues. This trend of a renewed partnership between the public and private sectors has led to large corporations partaking in the creation of social values; with their large budget, expertise and manpower, many are getting involved in local issues in the form of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities.



Through engagement in CSR activities, these corporations are striving to fulfill their social responsibility and help reinforce positive social values in response to internal and external pressures. At the same time, the public sector recognizes the need to harness diverse human and financial resources. These changes in perspective make it an appropriate time to consider corporate participation in public architectural and urban projects. This study aims to propose a system that connects privatized CSR activities with public architectural and urban projects in order to overcome limitations in budget, manpower, and expertise. In light of this, the objectives here are to ① analyze the policy and institutional conditions of connecting public architectural and urban projects with CSR activities, ② understand the demand for CSR activities in public architectural and urban projects, and ③ propose ways to draw connections between corporations and public projects.


Lee, Yeokyung 부연구위원 - other reports

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