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Resilient Urban Design in Preparation of Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change

  • No.61
  • 2020.09.28
  • Hit 2565
  • Lee, Eunseok Associate Research Fellow
  • Ji, Seokhwan Assistant Research Fellow

The extreme heat and torrential rain have become disastrous summer events. Although the extreme heat was lasted for 10.1 days on average since its recording started in 1973, the extreme heat in 2018 was lasted for 31.5 days. This was the record longer than the historic year of the longest extreme heat in 1994 which had 31.1 days. The pattern of summer rainfall is changing due to climate change. Summer rainfall has come in the entire season that was concentrated in monsoon period. A concern is growing not only because of increasing the number of days of extreme heat and the intensity of torrential rain but also for having various disastrous summer events together in large cities such as Seoul.

The international society has defined climate change as a severe threat to sustainable life. Some argue that climate change should be considered as a climate crisis to let the international society take more powerful counteractions. In the same context, the Paris agreement has employed a more multidimensional approach than the Kyoto protocol, which was centered on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, to continuously roll up the counteractions that are suitable for the conditions of individual countries. As described above, the international society requires a continuous and intensive multidimensional approach to climate change.

Lee, Eunseok 부연구위원 - other reports

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