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Revitalization of Public-Private Partnership for the Mixed-use Development of Dated Government Buildings

  • No.45
  • 2019.07.31
  • Hit 2459
  • Youm, Chirlho Research Fellow
  • Seo, Soojeong Senior Research Fellow
  • Yeo, Haejin Research Fellow

After a period of rapid government building construction during the 1970s and 80s, there is now an increased need for reconstruction of these buildings due to the passage of time as well as for expansion of space. However, the government budget for this need is severely lacking compared to the overall demand.

Government buildings in the past were located in highly-accessible sites within the city to provide the most facile access to administrative services and had been built to significantly reduced scales compared to its development potential. In this respect, incorporating more diverse functions and facilities in the reconstruction process is possible, including those from the private sector. However, government buildings are still generally built as independent entities that only accommodate government-related functions. If privatesector revenue-generating facilities are incorporated in the reconstruction, the government would be able to secure rental income which would help alleviate
overall construction costs. Furthermore, a mixed-use government building which incorporates locally-needed amenities, retail, and office facilities could benefit the local community and help stimulate its economy. It is regretful that, insofar, mixed-development or public-private partnerships have been limited or implemented only on a small scale.


This study aims to propose a number of public-private partnership (PPP) development models, systems and policy improvements in the reconstruction of government buildings with consideration to private-sector knowledge on service provision and increase of land efficiency.

Youm, Chirlho 연구위원 - other reports

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