Research Paper
- Basic 2023-5
- 2023.10.31
- 12Page
- Hit 1155
Recently, electricity and gas prices have been rising due to the rapid increase in the cost of fossil fuels and renewable energy supplies worldwide and the implementation of various climate crisis response policies. In South Korea, heating costs skyrocketed due to the unprecedented cold wave in the winter of late 2022 and 2023, along with the increase in electricity and gas prices. In response, temporary support policies were announced to ease the cost burden of the energy poor. However, providing in-kind and cash subsidies for the impact of energy price increases is limited in effectiveness. It does not ultimately solve the problem of energy inefficiency in residential environments.
In order to improve the energy welfare of people sensitive to energy prices, such as low-income households, it is necessary to combine in-kind and cash support with solutions to physical inefficiencies in home energy, such as home renovation projects and heating improvements. Home renovation projects aimed at improving the living conditions of low-income people have been promoted in various forms by various ministries for a long time. However, since these projects were established for different purposes, they may need to be more sufficient to ensure a comfortable life through proper energy use if there is no energy-related content among the support items. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze home renovation policies and prepare policy improvement measures by focusing on the energy poor and their quality of life in the energy sector to improve the living environment of low-income people. Therefore, this study aims to prepare a plan to improve home renovation policies so that the energy-poor can use efficient energy while securing a full quality of life.
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