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A Historical Research on the Building Regulations with Regard to Public Office Building
Lee, Geauchul Associate Research Fellow Lim, Yookyoung Associate Research Fellow Kim, Hyeryeon Assistant Research Fellow Lee, Sang-a Assistant Research Fellow
  • General 2017-2
  • 2017.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 3980
Summary The building regulations of the public office building covered in this study have undergone many changes from the early modern times, when the modern building regulations were introduced to the present. In these changes, the notable steps are divided into three stages. The first stage is the stage in which the regulations related to public building are first introduced and institutionalized.
The second stage is the stage in which the public building regulations are differentiated into the regulations of building regulations and national property management, and the third stage is the stage where the building regulations of the public office building are specified and diversified.
Modern building regulations and national property management regulations were introduced through Japan in the early modern period. Modern building regulations were introduced through two routes. After the opening port, the regulations were implemented in the domestic Japanese settlement area, and were introduced into the country by Susinsa who examined modern systems and technologies in Japan. It is noted that these regulations were enforced in the context of the public. It was enacted for the sanitation of the whole city, and as a public regulation to manage the city, modern construction regulation started. The regulations of national property management were first introduced with the intention of identifying the state-owned real estate of the Korean Empire. It was used for colonial finance in the course of Japanese colonization.

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