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A Study on Remodeling Guideline for Public Administration Building of Eup·Myeon·Dong
Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow Kim, Eunhee Associate Research Fellow
  • Provisional-2017-2
  • 2017.09.22
  • 7Page
  • Hit 3650
Summary As the lowest authority of the local administration, the public administration building of Eup·Myeon·Dong has played the most closely with the residents' life. But with the development of the internet complaints service and the aging of the buildings, it gradually became a public building which the citizens do not seek and the administrative function is reduced. Recently, some municipalities have turned to the Dong administrative office as a base of social services that provide active citizen convenience, and to return to the citizens as a platform for living autonomy that contributes to the mobilization of community. In addition, the new government is in line with the philosophy of national politics that aims to reduce welfare blind spots and realize universal welfare. Accordingly, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security has established a plan to promote the pilot project to remodel about 3,500 Eup·Myeon·Dong public administration building nationwide to provide more citizens’ autonomous space. However, the existing standard of Eup·Myeon·Dong public administration building and related remodeling regulations is insufficient. It is required to establish a project promotion system to realize the policy goal because it shows the difference and limitations of competence such as lack of experience of space-related projects by local governments in order to find out space and program demands by regions. The purpose of this study is to propose a remodeling guideline for the demonstration project of Eup·Myeon·Dong public administration building by defining the role and cooperation system of participating actors orchestrating the needs of spatial remodeling contents.

Yeo - other reports

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