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Establishment of Architectural Process Design Guideline
Youm, Chirlho Associate Research Fellow Lim, Hyunsung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2010-2
  • 2010.12.31
  • 0Page
  • Hit 2122

Office buildings are the place to execute administration as well as center
facilities to provide local residents with services. Yet, there are many cases having
bad accessibility for local residents and not providing services and convenience with
them. Especially, as a result of emphasizing on symbolic shapes of public office
buildings lead to derive luxurious ones. this luxurious public office buildings are
criticized because these are ignoring local situation and own character. In order to
avoid producing this luxurious buildings, government set up the rule enforcing area
standard, prohibiting building new one and restricting its sizes in terms of local
However, such regulations above can cause to restrict good design related to
the character of places and import complex service and new programs reflecting
resident's demand. Thus, each process need be investigated rationally and proper sizes
in terms of public office buildings's character and use should be calculated to
constitute desirable ones. Therefore, the aim of this research is to verify the necessity
of architectural process design guideline for public office buildings and propose how
to set up the criteria of architectural design by suggesting better direction of shaping
system and affairs for this ones.


Keyword :public office building, achitectural design guideline, process design guideline


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