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A Study on Characteristics and Demand of Recent Hanok Occupants
Sim, Kyungmi Associate Research Fellow Seo, Sunyoung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisional-2012-5
  • 2012.12.31
  • 270Page
  • Hit 1627
Summary Social interest in Hanok as sustainable housing is growing recently and in reality, people moving into a Hanok are growing in number. Despite that, information and empirical data on Hanok residence are not sufficiently available. In particular, investigations on Hanok residence have been so far carried out focusing on those who have lived in Hanok for a long time. Taking this into consideration, it is needed to identify current status on the Hanok residents of new classes and types on an empirical basis, thereby providing information for Hanok policies and for prospective Hanok consumers.
The study aims to provide preliminary data for Hanok policies establishment based on investigations of recent Hanonk occupants' characteristics, satisfaction and demands. Also, the research intends to deliver preliminary data useful for future Hanok occupants and those in the Hanok business by providing information including moving-in process and residence status of new Hanok occupants. To achieve the research goals, the study first identified and selected households that moved into a Hanok within past five to ten years among those in the Bukchon and Seochon of Seoul and Jeonju Hanok Village. It carried out general surveys and in-depth interviews with the households, concerning current status of the householder, experience in the living in Hanok, purchase.

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