Research Paper
- Basic 2023-13
- 2023.12.31
- 5Page
- Hit 7509
In accordance with Korea Government National Task 70. “Strengthening support for rural villages and creating a growth environment,” the government enacted the “Act on Rural Spatial Restructuring and Regeneration Support” (enforced in March 2024) and reorganized the rural land use system through rural spatial planning.
The government is currently reviewing the legislative announcement of sub-regulations of the enacted law and preparing legal guidance for rural spatial restructuring and regeneration plan establishment. As presented in the relevant provisions of the enforcement ordinance that has been announced as legislation, the rural special districts introduced as a means of managing rural land use is a concept of location management to resolve external diseconomies in land use related to living and production, among the purposes of enacting the law to respond to random development in rural areas. It will be operated on this basis.
The location adequacy review standards for rural special districts is a key means of supporting the relocation and site optimization of land use related to living and production by establishing a spatial proximity relationship between rural village protection districts and rural industry/livestock/rural convergence industry/renewable energy districts. This study designs a flexible alternative so that the review standards for location adequacy of rural special districts under review by the government can be operated smoothly in the region, supports the stable introduction and establishment of the system by verifying the effect of resolving external diseconomies in land use, and operates with resident participation. The purpose is to present the location adequacy review flow of the planning process to build the participatory process. Research is carried out through collaboration with experts in the field of spatial analysis by commissioning GIS simulations and with experts in the field of resident participation by requesting manuscripts.