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Tactical Utilization System of Vacant Urban Space
Lee, Jongmin Associate Research Fellow Lee, Minkyoung Associate Research Fellow Oh, Sunghoon Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2016-6
  • 2016.10.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 750
As the demographic structure changes and the economy grows slower as the ongoing low fertility rate and aging progress, the existing space has been neglected and vacant houses and vacant stores have been increased and the quality of the residential environment has been deteriorated. In order to solve this problem, central government and local governments started to deal with empty houses and empty stores as policy subjects. In this study, we propose the concept of "tactical utilization" as an alternative for the activation of urban vacant space utilization and draw out the main issues for applying it, and propose a utilization system.

Lee, Jongmin 부연구위원 - other reports

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