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A Study on Amendment of Building Act and Subordinate Legislation for Improvement of Construction Agreement System
Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow Sim, Kyungmi Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisonal-2016-7
  • 2016.10.15
  • 4Page
  • Hit 809
Korean government has been introduced 「Construction Agreement」as part of promoting diverse small-scale renewal systems. Last year several pilot projects designated by MLIT were carried and
many difficulties and troubles managing ‘Construction Agreement system’ were verified from a different standpoint of owners, architects and local authorities. Civil complaints received through E-People and consulting requests through AURI and ‘Construction Agreement Support Center’ shows there are complicated legal arguments and legislative inadequacy.
This research aims to improve existing legal systems to settle down the institution and boost its effectiveness. The research method is case study of 4 pilot projects, analysis of civil complaints and consulting request materials, public officials and architects interview, survey, and architectural simulation.

Yeo, Haejin 부연구위원 - other reports

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