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A Study on the Directions for Space Environmental Design of Child Care Facilities based on the User Centered Theories
Cho, Junbae Associate Research Fellow Choi, Sanghun
  • AURI-Provisional-2010-4
  • 2010.12.31
  • 0Page
  • Hit 775

Recently the issue of "Low birth and Aging Society" which was the typical phenomen in developed country, is hotly debated in Korea. Young couples are afraid to be pregnancy because of the growing
education expences and other economic reasons. And the elderly has been lived much longer ever than before because of the development of the medical technology and the new health information. These phenomen affects the decrease of labor population, and expects nagative effects on the domestic economy. Therefore in the short future, female labor power is essential and their child care facilities are definitely needed in the aspects of quantitatively and qualitatively.
The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction for the space environmental design guidelines for the national and public child care facilities in korea through ; study about the user centered theories
and space environmental design of child care faciliteis, to deduce framework of space environmental design of child care facilities based on the user centered theories, to investigate and analyse of fact and problems of domestic national and public chile care facilities, and finally to propose the space environmental design guidelines for child care facilities based on the user centered theories and made conclusion.

Keywords ; User Centered Theory, Child Care Facility, Space Environmental Design Guideline


Cho - other reports

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