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Planning and Building Regulations_The Issues and the Improvement Measures
Lim, Yoo Kyoung Assistant Research Fellow Jin, Hyunyoung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2011-6
  • 2011.12.30
  • 0Page
  • Hit 830

This study reviews existing planning and building regulations and proposes possible improvements on them. Planning and building regulations range from laws, including the Act on Planning and Use of National Territory, the Landscape Act and the Building Act, their accompanying statutory planning, to non-statutory planning such as local governments' initiative in order to upgrade urban design. Among them, this study focuses on general regulations on building form prescribed in the Act on Planning and Use of National Territory and Building Act, aside from regulations for particular area such as district unit planning.


Key Words : planning and building regulations, building form control, Act on Planning and Use of National Territory, Building Act, zoning, form-based codes


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