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A Study on the Construction and Institutionalization of Building Safety Management System
Kim, Eunhee Research Fellow Kim, Kotsong-i Assistant Research Fellow
  • Basic 2019-13
  • 2019.11.30
  • 11Page
  • Hit 2290

This study was conducted in the stage of building and management to prepared reasonable safety management methods that fit the characteristics and conditions of buildings. The present building safety law system has the same direction of safety management based on the use and size, but it also reflects the purpose of use of buildings and various factors affecting the building safety such as users, land, roads, and surrounding environments, and determines the potential risk level of buildings themselves, and proposes a safety management method corresponding to them. In this respect, the purpose of this study is to prepare an institutionalization plan for the development and implementation of risk assessment and safety determining tool (RAST), which is a direct tool of safety management.


Kim, Eunhee 연구위원 - other reports

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