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Pilot Construction and Application Study on Geospatial Big Data on Buildings
Heo, Hankyul Associate Research Fellow Ahn, Euisoon Associate Research Fellow Song, Yumi Assistant Research Fellow
  • Basic 2022-13
  • 2022.12.31
  • 5Page
  • Hit 1520

This study established the concept of building spatial information big data by investigating spatial information, shape information, and attribute information, and additionally analyzing spatial information big data. The study found two emerging characteristics evaluating the status of building geospatial information big data. First, the building spatial information big data are steadily updated for all buildings nationwide. Second, the building spatial information big data include high utilization value to be analyzed by combining data constructed by each lot and building unit with other datasets. This study aims to define the building spatial information big data as “data that include location information, shape information, and property information of all buildings and secures ease of linking with datasets.”


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