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The Need for Building User Manuals and Policy Implications

  • No. 31
  • 2017.12.27
  • Hit 842
  • Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow
  • Park, Seokhwan Assistant Research Fellow

The Korean government has made it mandatory that product information be provided to protect the rights and interests of consumers and establish fair trade. However, there are currently no legal obligations related to buildings information. Most building information is customized and managed centrally to accommodate local governments’ administrative interests. Advanced other countries are trying to standardize the construction industry in order to revitalize the building maintenance trade, improve the property performance and lifespan of the buildings, expand asset values, and protect the consumer rights through fair and responsible building transactions; one step towards this goal is the provision of information and manuals. This research discusses the necessity of introducing building manuals in Korea and to outlines policy implications through an analysis of the purpose, application, and main contents of building user manuals in Korea, the UK, and Japan.

Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow - other reports

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