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Research on Community-Based Enterprise Support Systems for Revitalization of Residential Environment Improvement

  • No.7
  • 2015.11.30
  • Hit 728
  • Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow
  • Park, Sungnam Associate Research Fellow
This study explores the problem posed by the disarray of procedures concerning relevant policies supporting community-based enterprises, which is a contributing factor to the inefficiency of the policies. Meanwhile, the Korean government has put emphasis on promoting community-based enterprises acting as an executive organization in the designated urban regeneration project areas, as these policies are not fully designed to distribute government finances in terms of being site-specific. As a result, this makes it harder to build close geographical relationships with urban regeneration project areas and social enterprises.
Therefore, the research aims to thoroughly investigate community-based social enterprises conducting residential environment improvement projects for the purpose of urban regeneration and community revitalization and proposes plans to improve associated policies.

Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow - other reports

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