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A Study on Developing Indicators for Parks and Green Spaces
Lee, Sangmin Research Fellow Kim, Yonggook Associate Research Fellow Lee,Yeokyung Associate Research Fellow
  • Basic 2018-2
  • 2018.03.31
  • 6Page
  • Hit 1116
Summary In South Korea, when one tries to assess the local standard for parks (green space) or see if urban parks are sufficient, one focuses on parkland per person. Here, parkland per person refers to the urban parkland per person, that is, the area of parks created in cities divided by the population in cities.
This study was born when asked whether parkland per person is an appropriate indicator in describing the current standards for parks and green space and the directions for the parks and green space policy. When it comes to parkland, we now anticipate social changes such as climate change, dwindling population, and low growth as well as various changes such as enforcement of sunset provisions or land and city policy paradigm change. Accordingly, the parks and green space policy needs to shift its perspective from the quantitative increase in parks and green space to the qualitative management, from unilateral supply to beneficiary-oriented supply, and it is high time to develop new parks and green space Indicators that can present such policy directions.

Lee, Sangmin Research Fellow - other reports

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