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Promoting plans and proposing policies for public relations of Korean architecture
Cho, Junbae Associate Research Fellow Um, Woonjin Assistant Research Fellow Lim, Hyunsung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisional-2008-2
  • 2008.12.31
  • 215Page
  • Hit 773
Summary  This study After 21st century, the world is now having "Glocalization" age inwhich globalization and localisation is progressing at the same time over the global village. Demand of international exchange between countries and local governments is increasing and it is getting very competitive to enter overseas markets, so improvement of international competitive power has become very important. So as a survival strategy in this globalized and information-oriented age, global marketing has become very necessary more than in the past. Global marketing means connecting global networks between both countries and local governments so that they exchange and cooperate.

Cho, Junbae Associate Research Fellow - other reports

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