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Comprehensive Asset Management Planning for Efficient Construction and Utilization of Local Public Facilities

  • No.58
  • 2020.06.26
  • Hit 1520
  • Youm, Chirlho Senior Research Fellow
  • Lee, Yeokyung Associate Research Fellow
  • Lee, Kyungjae Assistant Research Fellow

This study aims to propose how to establish a comprehensive asset management plan for local public facilities. To this end, the study examined why it is necessary to introduce a comprehensive asset management system and analyzed domestic and overseas asset management plans and established pilot asset management strategy. Then, the study finalized an asset management planning strategy to suggest the ‘a comprehensive asset management plan for local public facilities’. Based on this, the study proposed an action plan for efficient construction and utilization of local public facilities based on the comprehensive asset management plan.

Youm, Chirlho Senior Research Fellow - other reports

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