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Basic Research for Architecture Based on the Unification Age

  • No.19
  • 2016.12.10
  • Hit 689
  • Um ,Woonjin Assistant Research Fellow
  • Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow
  • Lim, Hyunsung Assistant Research Fellow
Park Geun-hye’s government has emphasized the basic direction of unification, including through the 2014 Preparatory Commission established after announcing the Dresden Declaration (August 7, 2014) on reunification, and National Liberation Day (August 15, 2014). When it comes to the architectural industry, it is integral to restore the cultural homogeneity, this requires two Koreas to start conducting small projects such as cooperative excavation and conservation of cultural heritage and agenda for co-prosperity together.
The first purpose of this research is to establish a basic summary of existing reunification-related discussions, and the second is to establish unified architectural policy provisions and step-by-step objectives and tasks to prepare for unification. For this purpose, this research considers the architecturalframework from three angles. First, it deals with the economic, industrial, and technological aspects of territorial and urban architecture and the construction and building production systems in the architectural field. Second, it examines the institutional process and residential life services regarding the neighbourhood living facility. Third, in the cultural aspect of construction, it aims to recover the homogeneity form the future-oriented common values between the two Koreas.
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