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Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Regional Architectural Policy

  • No.13
  • 2016.06.01
  • Hit 627
  • Kim, Younghyun Associate Research Fellow
  • Cho, Sangkyu Research Fellow
  • Lim, Hyunsung Assistant Research Fellow
  Architectural policy in Korea has been initiated since the enactment of the Framework Act on Building in 2007. Although the enforcement was relatively late compared to foreign countries, especially ones in Europe, the Framework Act on Building and Basic Architectural Planning raised a number of remarkable aspects that caused great impact to our architecture industry over the past 5 years. Architecture-related legislation, such as the Green Building Construction Support Act, the Urban Regeneration Special Act, the Architectural Service Industry Promotion Act, and the Architectural Assets Promotion Act could contribute more on policies or projects such as the research on the actual conditions, establishment of information systems and master planning, founding and managing of an organization exclusively for support and training professional manpower.
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