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A Study on Utilizing Official Development Assistance to Support Overseas Expansion of the Architectural Services Industry

  • No.12
  • 2016.05.04
  • Hit 753
  • Son, Dongpil Research Fellow
  • Cho, Sangkyu Research Fellow
  The architectural services industry in Korea has kept losing its competitiveness in the international market. However, support from the government for the architectural services industry is very limited when compared to support of the government for the construction and building industry.
  The size of the funding for ODA of Korea has been gradually increasing. Furthermore, under SDGs which are the new ODA goals of the international society, inexpensive housing for poor people in developing countries is one of the core goals. So, it is expected that the international ODA market for the architectural services industry will expand in developing countries.
  However, not many studies have been done for how to use ODA for the architectural services industry. So, the study firstly aims to review existing policies and studies about ODA and the overseas expansion of the architectural services industry, secondly, to examine strategies of utilizing ODA by other industries and various cases of ODA projects, and finally, to provide measures to utilize ODA for the expansion of the architectural services industry to the global market.

Son, Dongpil Research Fellow - other reports

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