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Study on Improvement of Planning Criteria for Public Office Buildings

  • No.9
  • 2015.12.15
  • Hit 610
  • Tchah, Chuyoung Research Fellow
  • Kim, Eunhee Associate Research Fellow
  Nowadays, public office buildings function as economic, social and cultural centers of the local community as opposed to merely functioning as administrative office space, and its spatial configurations have changed accordingly to the present time. The emphasis on user-friendly amenities and welfare related spaces are increasing, and spaces that facilitate interaction with local communities are progressively being promoted. Additionally, technological advances are also changing the organization of space as cooperation and communication amongst different administrative divisions increase with improved efficiency, and use of the digitized database becomes extended. Furthermore, efforts towards assuring building sustainability through environmental policies also influence the need to rethink the spatial organizations of public office buildings today. In particular, the government requires public office buildings to lead the way in increasing energy efficiency and durability, and emphasizes the role of actively promoting sustainable architectural designs. However, despite the new social requirements and multiple functions of the public office building, a comprehensive new planning criteria that embody all these changes has yet to be established. More importantly, the government cannot simply respond to current policy implications
and social changes, but it also needs to effectively prepare for the future as well. Therefore, a clear definition of needs analysis considering each evolving design stage is required. Against this background, this research aims to examine the role and function of public office buildings and propose policy improvements regarding the planning of public office buildings.
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