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Zoning Regulations and Greenhouse-Gas Management Policies in Building Sector

  • No.6
  • 2015.11.20
  • Hit 728
  • Kim, Seungnam Associate Research Fellow
  • Cho, Sangkyu Research Fellow
  • Kim, Younghyun Associate Research Fellow
Are net-zero energy buildings possible? As we learn from existing experimental approaches, it is no longer technically unattainable. However, would it still be feasible if we set a target for all buildings to become net-zero in their energy use? Can this regulation be a socioeconomically fair, reasonable, and achievable goal? Considering a recent target set by the government, which aims to achieve net-zero energy of all buildings by 2025, there is a strong need to identify whether such a goal is practical, and if not, explore alternatives that may bring along other possibilities. Against this backdrop, this study aims to analyze the theoretical threshold of the reduction rate of greenhouse gases (GHG) of newly constructed buildings and revise building energy performance regulations and GHG emission performance standards by Use Area.

Kim, Seungnam Associate Research Fellow - other reports

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