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Hosting of the AURI International Forum

  • Date2024/11/05 17:00
  • CategoryForum
  • Hit3,654

Hosting of the AURI International Forum

The Architecture & Urban Research Institute (AURI) and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) co-hosted the “AURI International Forum” on November 5, Tuesday, at the Large Meeting Room in the Myeong-dong Post Tower, Seoul. 

Under the title “Designing Safer Spaces: Environmental Design, from the Security to the Safety, and for the Active Living,” this forum invited experts from Korea and around the world to discuss ways to create safe and active living spaces in each country.

The event commenced with opening remarks from Youngbum Reigh, President of AURI. This was followed by a presentation by Professor Habib Chaudhury at Simon Fraser University, Canada, on “Developing Dementia-Inclusive Neighbourhood Environment.” The second presentation was given by Professor Sungmin Lee at Texas A&M University, US, on “Designing Safer Communities: The Role of Green Spaces in Crime Prevention,” and the third presenter was Professor Hui Cai at the Georgia Tech School of Architecture, US, who introduced, “Health & Environmental Design: Address Inequity in Food Accessibility through a Multi-phase Collaborative Study.” The fourth presentation was given by Professor Bumjoon Kang at Seoul National University on “Activity Space of Older Adults in Seoul: Finding Spatial Issues in a Super-aged Society,” who presented on the cases of living spaces for older adults in Seoul. The last presentation, “Designing Safer Spaces through Environmental Design,” was given by Youngho Ko, a Research Fellow at AURI, who discussed issues and improvement strategies related to the development of architectural urban spaces. 

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