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2023 The Workplace Network Annual Conference

  • Date2023/07/18 13:57
  • CategoryNotice
  • Hit3,765

2023 The Workplace Network Annual Conference

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President Youngbum Reigh, along with associate research fellows Sea-eun Cho and Seon-gyeong Baek, attended the 2023 The Workplace Network (TWN) conference hosted by the U.S. General Services Administration in Washington D.C. from April 17 (Monday) to April 20 (Thursday). 

TWN, with 19 member countries including the Netherlands, Ireland, the United States, and Canada, organizes an annual conference to share policy issues related to public assets and adapt to future changes in the work environment. This year’s event, the first since 2019, provided updates on the major issues of member countries and shared topics related to the future of work environment, climate and sustainability, change management, data, and public asset management.

On the first day, a welcome reception was held for representatives of participating member countries. From the second day onwards, major presentations and discussion sessions took place. President Youngbum Reigh reviewed the status and plans of AURI in accordance with the four sectors defined by TWN (Workplace/return to work, Climate & sustainability, Change management, Data metrics) during the member country status update session.

On the third day, Associate Research Fellow Sea-eun Cho participated in the "Climate and Sustainability Industry Roundtable" discussion session, and on the fourth day, Associate Research Fellow Seon-gyeong Baek participated in the "Presentation on Data Gathering/Metrics & Group Discussion on Data & Metrics" session.

Through this conference, AURI strengthened international cooperation with institutions related to public architecture and achieved meaningful outcomes by identifying and discussing major issues related to public architecture and public asset management in various countries.

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