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청주시청사 건립 국제설계공모 1단계 공고 안내

  • 작성일2020/01/10 00:00
  • 조회수2,373

청주시청사 건립 국제설계공모 1단계 공고 안내입니다. 자세한 사항은 아래의 글을 참조해주세요.



international competition for cheongju new cityall, s.korea 청주시청사 건립 국제설계공모 phaseⅠ:announcement 1단계 공고 january 6, 2020 competition method 공모형식 phase Ⅱ international invited competition 5 teams selected in the phase Ⅰ 2단계 and 3 invited teams will participate 지명초청공모(1단계 5팀+지명초청3팀) design competition schedule 공모일정 phaseⅠ:international competition 1단계 국제공모전 preliminary announcement 사전공고 announcement공고 registration inquiries entry submission to be announced november 28, 2019 january 6,2020 award 당선작보상 phaseⅠ 1단계 participants to phase Ⅱ -invited competition 2단계 지명초청공모전 참가권 phase Ⅱ 2단계 first prize priority negotiation right on the design development and construction dovument second prize 30,000,000 krw third prize 20,000,000 krw forth prize 10,000,000 krw 1등 기본 및 실시설계 우선협상권 2등 30,000,000원 3등:20,000,000원 4등:10,000,000원 international fee for phaseⅡ competition krw 40,000,000 will be provied each team. 지명초청보상비 40,000,000(각팀) www.cjnewcityhall-compe.org 청주시
  • hwp 첨부파일 붙임.20200106_청주시청사_건립_국제설계공모_1단계_공고문(최종).hwp (57.5KB / 다운로드 418회) 다운로드

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