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장지, 서울 컴팩트시티 국제설계공모

  • 작성일2019/12/12 17:01
  • 조회수2,058

장지, 서울컴팩트시티 국제설계공모 jangji, seoul compact city international design competition 장지공영차고지입체화사업 designing multi-level complex of the jangji garage   location 862,jangji-dong, songpa-gu,seoul   1st phase   announcemet no,25,2019   submisson jan,7,2020   review jan, 10, 2020   1nd phase   announcemet jan,17,2020   submisson mar,16,2020   review mar, 23, 2020   other information profect seoul.go.kr/ 서울주택도시공사 iseoulu

  • hwp 첨부파일 홍보요청내용.hwp (18KB / 다운로드 364회) 다운로드

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